Blackmagic Camera APK

Blackmagic Camera APK 1.0.28 Latest Version For Android

v1.0.28 by SayEffect Tech Solutions Private Limited
Name Blackmagic Camera APK Blackmagic Camera APK is the most famous version in the Blackmagic Camera APK series of publisher SayEffect Tech Solutions Private Limited
Publisher SayEffect Tech Solutions Private Limited
Genre Photography
Size 4 MB
Version 1.0.28
Update February 3, 2024
MOD Latest Version
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Blackmagic Camera APK is a powerful companion tool designed to work with Blackmagic Design’s range of cinema and broadcast cameras. The app enables cinematographers and directors to control their cameras remotely, providing access to various functions such as focus, iris, and zoom controls, all from the convenience of a tablet or smartphone.

With a user-friendly interface, the Blackmagic Camera App makes it easier to adjust settings on the fly, offering professionals the flexibility to tweak camera parameters to capture the perfect shot without being tethered to the camera. It also displays critical information such as timecode, frame rates, and histograms, assisting in precise exposure management.

Blackmagic APK

The integration of Bluetooth technology ensures a reliable and responsive connection between the app and the camera. This seamless integration with Blackmagic’s ecosystem enhances on-set workflow efficiency and opens new creative possibilities for filmmakers. The Blackmagic Camera APK is user-friendly and intuitive, making it accessible to seasoned professionals and aspiring photographers. With its comprehensive features and seamless integration with Blackmagic Design cameras, this application is a must-have tool for anyone looking to elevate their photography and videography capabilities.

What Does Blackmagic Camera App do?

The Blackmagic Camera control app is the Android application package used to install the Blackmagic Camera App on Android devices. Once installed, the app allows users to control their Blackmagic cameras remotely. Users can adjust focus, start and stop recording, tweak exposure settings like ISO and shutter angle, and manage colour balance.

Blackmagic Camera APK Latest Version

The app also provides a live feed from the camera, enabling users to frame shots and focus more precisely from their Android device’s screen. It’s beneficial when the camera is mounted in inaccessible locations or when a cinematographer needs to operate multiple cameras simultaneously. It enhances on-set workflow and creative control for filmmakers and videographers using Blackmagic Design’s cameras.

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What are the Key Features of Blackmagic Camera APK Latest Version?

The Blackmagic Camera APK boasts various features that set it apart from other cameras in its class. Let’s explore some of its standout features:

Control Blackmagic Camera Apk

Cinema 6K Resolution

The Blackmagic Camera stands out for its remarkable capability to record footage in breathtaking 6K resolution, a feature that sets it apart from other cameras in its class. This level of detail ensures exceptional image quality and enhances your videos’ overall cinematic experience.

With such high-resolution capabilities, the Blackmagic Camera empowers filmmakers and content creators to produce visually stunning work that captivates audiences with its clarity and sharpness.

Blackmagic RAW

The camera’s support for Blackmagic RAW is a game-changer, offering the best of both worlds by combining the advantages of RAW with the practicality of traditional video formats.

This revolutionary format ensures that RAW’s dynamic range and flexibility are preserved, allowing for unparalleled control in post-production. Its smaller file sizes make storage and editing more manageable, streamlining the workflow for filmmakers and content creators.

Blackmagic Camera

High-Quality ProRes Recording

The camera supports ProRes recording, an industry-standard format known for its reliability and high quality. This feature allows users to capture footage with efficient encoding, resulting in high-quality content that is easier to manage during post-production.

Alongside Blackmagic RAW, ProRes provides filmmakers with a versatile range of options for recording and editing their projects, ensuring flexibility and compatibility with industry standards.

Advanced Camera Control

The Blackmagic Camera App allows users to control their camera settings directly from their mobile devices. With this app, photographers and videographers can fine-tune parameters such as white balance, ISO, and shutter speed to achieve the desired creative outcomes.

This level of control empowers users to capture stunning shots and footage with precision and ease, making it an essential tool for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Blackmagic Camera Free

Seamless Integration with Blackmagic Camera App Android APK

The Blackmagic Camera App is a sophisticated tool specifically created to work in perfect harmony with compatible Blackmagic cameras. By establishing a wireless connection between your camera and mobile device, the app empowers you to take control of your camera’s functions from a distance.

This seamless integration provides a convenient and efficient way to operate your camera, offering flexibility and freedom in capturing high-quality footage.

User-Friendly Interface

The app boasts a user-friendly interface that caters to users of all levels of expertise, from beginners to professionals.

Its intuitive design enables seamless navigation, ensuring quick access to essential features and settings without hassle. This makes it ideal for individuals looking for a straightforward and efficient user experience.

Blackmagic Camera App

Advanced Camera Settings

The Blackmagic Camera APK rovides users access to a range of advanced camera settings that extend beyond the camera’s capabilities. With this app, photographers and videographers can fine-tune exposure settings, exercise control over focus, adjust shutter angles, and manipulate numerous other parameters to ensure each shot meets their specifications.

This level of precise control empowers creators to capture images and footage with unprecedented accuracy and customization.

Customization Options

Blackmagic camera APK a range of customization options to accommodate diverse shooting styles and preferences. This flexibility allows users to tailor settings to their needs, ensuring a personalized experience.

By enabling the saving of preferred configurations as presets, the app streamlines the process and minimizes the time and effort required for adjustments during shoots. This feature enhances efficiency and convenience, allowing users to seamlessly access their preferred settings at any given moment.

Blackmagic Camera APK

Integration with Blackmagic Cloud Storage

The Blackmagic Camera App offers seamless integration with Blackmagic Cloud Storage, enabling users to upload and manage their footage from their mobile devices effortlessly. This convenient feature streamlines collaboration and dramatically enhances workflow by granting instant access to media files.

With this functionality, content creators can easily share and work on their projects without hassle, ultimately improving productivity and efficiency.

Blackmagic Blueconnect Apk

Tips and Tricks: Utilizing the Power of Blackmagic Camera

To help you make the most out of your blackmagic camera control app android and the accompanying app, here are some tips and tricks that will elevate your cinematography game:

  • Understand Your Shooting Environment: Before you begin shooting, take time to understand your environment. Consider factors such as lighting conditions, available space, and potential challenges during the shoot. This knowledge will enable you to make informed decisions regarding camera settings and ensure optimal results.
  • Experiment with Different Frame Rates: The Blackmagic Camera offers various frame rate options to achieve different effects in your footage. Experiment with different frame rates to create slow-motion shots or capture fast-paced action with impressive detail.
  • Mastering White Balance: White balance plays a crucial role in determining the overall colour temperature of your footage. Understanding how to set the white balance correctly will help you achieve accurate colours and maintain consistency throughout your project.
  • Utilize Dynamic Range: Take advantage of the impressive dynamic range offered by the Blackmagic Camera to accurately capture scenes with high contrast. You can achieve stunning visuals with exceptional depth by preserving details in both highlights and shadows.
  • Utilize Built-in Presets: The Blackmagic Camera App provides built-in presets for typical shooting scenarios such as indoor, outdoor, daylight, etc. Utilize these presets as a starting point and make adjustments according to your specific requirements.

Pros and Cons of Blackmagic Camera APK


  • Remote Control Functionality: The app enables remote control over the camera, allowing for adjustments without physically touching the camera, which is useful when mounted in hard-to-reach places.
  • Comprehensive Control: Users can access a wide range of settings, including recording, exposure, white balance, and lens focus, directly from their Android device.
  • Convenience: Fast access to start/stop recording and other frequently used functions increases efficiency on set.
  • Live Feedback: The app provides real-time feedback on changes made to camera settings, enhancing user confidence in adjustments.
  • Customization: Features like customizable minibar and topbar indicators allow for a personalized experience based on the user’s preferences and needs.
  • Extended Features: Exciting features such as rack focus and shutter angle/speed suggestions add creative control for filmmakers.
  • No Personal Data Collection: The app does not collect or transmit personal information, ensuring user privacy.


  • Compatibility Issues: Some users may experience connectivity and compatibility issues with specific firmware versions, as stated with firmware 6.9.5v.
  • Limited Camera Support: Focus control is unavailable for all camera models, especially the Blackmagic cameras with EF mounts.
  • Device Limitations: The app has been tested only on the Blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k, which may limit its utility across the full range of Blackmagic cameras.
  • Dependency on Hardware: The app’s functionality is highly dependent on the camera’s Bluetooth capabilities, which can be limiting if there are hardware issues.
  • Ongoing Development: As the app is still being developed, some features may be available after some time or may require further updates to function correctly.
  • Unaffiliated Development: Since the app is not an official release from Blackmagic Design Pty Ltd, support and integration might be less seamless than native apps.
  • Availability: The app is specifically designed for Android devices, excluding iOS users or other operating systems.

Download Blackmagic Camera APK For Android

If you’re a filmmaker or photographer looking to take your art to the next level, the Blackmagic Camera APK for Android is a must-have tool for your smartphone. With this control blackmagic camera, you can remotely control your Blackmagic camera, adjust settings, monitor footage, and even view live previews of your shots.

The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate through the app’s features, giving you complete control over your camera from the palm of your hand. Whether you’re shooting a film or documentary or capturing a special moment, having the Blackmagic Camera APK on your Android device will elevate your shooting experience. With the ability to download the blackmagic camera app directly from the Google Play Store, it’s always been challenging to access the power of your Blackmagic camera on the go. Use the opportunity to enhance your creative process with the Blackmagic Camera APK for Android.


Combining a powerful camera like the Blackmagic Camera APK 1.0.28 and the feature-rich Blackmagic Camera App opens up endless possibilities for filmmakers and content creators. By understanding the capabilities of these tools and implementing best practices, you can elevate your cinematography game to new heights.

Remember to experiment, push boundaries, and embrace creativity using the Blackmagic Camera and its accompanying app. With dedication and practice, you’ll be able to capture breathtaking footage that tells compelling stories and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. So why wait? Download Blackmagic Camera App today and unlock the full potential of your Blackmagic Camera!


Q. Which Blackmagic cameras are supported by the Control Blackmagic Camera app?

The Control Blackmagic Camera app supports the following cameras: BMPCC 4K/6K, Ursa Mini, and Ursa Mini Pro.

Q. Why is focus control for BMD cameras with EF mounts pending?

Focus control for BMD cameras with EF mounts, such as BMPC 6K, is pending due to the unavailability of the camera during the pandemic, making it difficult to rent for testing and implementation.

Q. Can you use the Control Blackmagic Camera app on cameras other than the BMPCC 4K?

The app has been tested only on the Blackmagic Pocket 4K camera. While it may work on other supported cameras (Ursa Mini, Ursa Mini Pro), the full functionality has been validated on the BMPCC 4K.

Q. Are there any exciting features in the Control Blackmagic Camera app?

Yes, the app includes exciting features such as rack focus, shutter angle/speed suggestions, single-click toggling of special off-speed (60/75/100/120), mobile rotation, slate mode, and a customizable minibar for quick access to specific settings.

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